Installing solar on a home is a big-ticket purchase and should be considered carefully when deciding what is right for you. The first thing most people want to know is “what is the best panel?” But what does that mean really? How do you determine the best panel? According to The Solar Panels Don’t Matter, the way to determine the best is based on the value you get, not just the efficiency rating.

The real questions you should be asking are: is solar right for you; and how can you get the most bang for your buck? These questions are both answered by determining how much output you can achieve with solar installed on your home. This is where a quality solar installer comes in.

Quality of the Installer

teacher_blackboard_pointingAmicus Solar Cooperative member owners believe in educating the world and their customers about solar power and the benefits of installing solar on their roofs. They have invested long-term in the solar industry for the betterment of the environment, not just to make a profit while the incentives last. And one thing they have all learned in many years of business is that the best way to ensure a happy customer is to educate them.


Some of Amicus Solar Cooperative’s member owners have blogs on their websites with informational articles that range from Solar 101 on how solar works to What to Expect When You’re Expecting Solar. You can learn about The ROI on Switching to Solar or Tax Incentives offered for solar installation. Our member owners want their consumers to be educated so they can make the best possible choices.

Social Media

Coloured-Social-Media-Icons-RoundMost of Amicus Solar Cooperative’s member owners are also involved online. On Facebook, LinkedIn or Twitter, they are spreading the word about the benefits of going solar. In addition, through these channels, they share news that affects the solar industry, such as new legislation or utility pricing structures. They comment or can answer questions about how these current issues affect their consumers and the mission to promote renewable energy.

Community Events

There are so many different ways Amicus Solar Cooperative’s member owners reach out to the community to teach about the benefits of going solar. Some will hold workshops in a community building such as a library or host a Lunch and Learn at individual businesses so that interested parties can learn about solar. Others participate in Farmer’s Markets or other local Festivals where they can have low-key conversations about solar energy. Open houses, where solar has been installed is also a popular venue to connect with the community and inform about the possibilities of installing solar.

Solarize programs

cropped-solarize3Many states offer Solarize programs and Amicus Solar Cooperative member owners participate in these. These are 3rd party sites that allow a homeowner to punch in their address and build a custom solar installation for their home online. These programs give an estimate of the homeowner’s prospective cost and energy savings. Then it offers contact information for participating solar installers should the homeowner decide to pursue going solar. It is an effective way for the consumer to make an educated decision.

Site Visits

If a consumer has already investigated a solar installation, they might have an initial quote. However, any reputable solar installer will make a site visit to your home to make measurements and check for any obstructions to a good solar installation. A very reputable company will have a NAPCEP certified sales technician. Many of Amicus Solar Cooperative’s member owners have these certified technicians on staff. The technician will then go through a detailed quote on how much output you can expect from a solar installation at your home, and what savings you can realize from that.


There are several ways to finance a solar installation on a home. The first, of course, is to pay cash. However, most people don’t have the liquid capital for an expenditure nearing $10,000. So, there are other options, such as a short-term loan to cover the cost until the homeowner receives their tax incentives, or a leasing program. Amicus Solar Cooperative member owners offer several financing options to their consumers and will spend the time necessary to go through them all and make sure their customers end up with the best option available.

There are many aspects to consider when making the decision to go solar. But it does not have to be daunting. With the help of a quality solar installer like Amicus Solar Cooperative’s member owners, the information can be laid out clearly and concisely. From there the decision is an easy one.